LRA Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps
On Monday February 24, 2025, CAL Fire released updated Local Responsibility Area (LRA) Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps. These maps identify areas with moderate, high, and very high fire hazard severity zones, which have been determined based on consistent statewide criteria and on the severity of fire hazard that is expected to prevail in those areas. Criteria for determining hazard severity zones include fuel loading, slope, fire weather, and other relevant factors including areas where winds have been identified by the Office of the State Fire Marshal as a major cause of wildfire spread.
Each impacted jurisdiction is required to Adopt the new LRA maps but first must provide access to and gather public input on them by June 24, 2025. For your convenience, links to each City/Town LRA map website are available below:
City of Cupertino
Town of Los Gatos
South Santa Clara County Fire District
Links Coming Soon
City of Monte Sereno
County of Santa Clara (unincorporated)
Saratoga Fire District
Town of Los Altos Hills
Additional Information
Additional information and resources are available on the CAL Fire website. This site includes a toolkit, fact sheet, reference materials, and other resources.
CAL Fire Hazard Severity Zone Webpage & Resources