Fuel reduction projects

How do fuel reduction projects impact the environment?

  • Generally speaking, fuel reduction projects tend to have very positive impacts on the environment. Clearing of crowded vegetation allows the older plants more space and more water to thrive.

How can I find out when and where fuel reduction projects are happening?

  • Check our Wildfire Projects page to find out when and where the Vasona Crew will be working. If you are curious about a project that you do not see on our site, reach out to your local municipality and they should be able to point you in the right direction. Remember to follow official social media channels to stay up to date as well.

Preparing your home for wildfire

Do I need to clear defensible space around my home?

  • Defensible space is required for homes in high or very high fire hazard severity zones. If you are not sure whether or not you are in one of these zones you can search your address here to find out. If you are in one of these zones you will receive a letter in the spring explaining whether you need to maintain 30 feet or 100 feet of defensible space around your home. To learn more about defensible space, visit our Living With Wildfire page.

Do I have to maintain defensible space year round?

What is an AB38 real estate inspection?

  • California Assembly Bill38 requires that anyone selling a home in the wildland urban interface (WUI) obtains an inspection to verify that the property complies with the qualifying fire codes. These inspections are performed by CAL FIRE or your local fire department depending on where you live.

What programs are available to help cover the costs associated with preparing for wildfire?

  • Santa Clara County Fire contracts the Santa Clara County Firesafe Council to carryout a chipping program. Residents are encouraged to check the dates for the chipping program in their area and sign up. This is a great way to get rid of tree branches and other heavier vegetation as you are clearing your defensible space–For FREE!

Emergency Evacuations

How do I know when to evacuate?

  • Sign up for Alert SCC and Genesis Protect to stay up to date during emergency situations and know if you are in an evacuation warning or order.

My community has emergency fire roads, should I use these to evacuate?

  • If the main paved roads in your community are drivable, use them. Fire roads are often not well maintained, and are not ideal for everyday vehicles. Try to avoid using emergency fire roads unless you are advised to do so by a fire official.




Don’t see your wildfire related question listed here? email info@sccfd.org and we will do our best to answer your question.