For Incorporated Cities & Towns
(A-1) Fire Department Apparatus Access (05.12.2021)
(A-2) Speed Humps and Speed Tables (03.13.2025)
(A-6) Fire Lane Marking (07.01.2020)
(A-7) Protection for ESS Subject to Vehicle Damage (04.27.2021)
(C-1) Two-Way Communication System for Areas of Refuge & Elevator Landings (05.12.2021)
(C-2) Emergency Responder Radio Coverage Systems (09.01.2020)
(C-5) Fire Alarm (Rev 12.19.2024)
(D-1) Specification for Driveways, Turnarounds and Turnouts Serving Up to Two (2) Single Family Parcels (03.11.2025)
(G-1) Closure of Private Roadways, Driveways and Fire Apparatus Access Roadways (01.09.2012)
(K-1) Key Box Placement and Required Keys
(SI-1) Large Family Day Care Homes (Currently being revised)
(SI-2) Outdoor Carnivals and Fairs
(SI-3) Fire Watch (Rev 07.01.2020)
(SI-4) Haunted Houses:Ghost Walks
(SI-5) Model Rocket Guidelines
(SI-6) Access-Controlled Doors (Rev 07.01.2020)
(SI-7) Construction Site Safety
(SI-8) Standards for Storage and Use of Portable Liquefied Petroleum Gas & Electric Outdoor Heaters (Rev 11.24.20)
(SP-2) Installation of Fire Service Underground Piping, FDC’s and Fire Hydrants
(SP-5) Specifications for the Design and Installation of Fire Sprinkler Systems
(SP-6) Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings (Rev 05.25.2023)
(T-1) Tents, Canopies, and Membrane Structures (Rev 04.06.2021)
(W-1) Private Fire Protection Water Supply Tanks and Hydrants (Rev 07.01.2020)
(W-2) Fire Service Undergound Piping, Private Hydrants, Post Indicator Valves and Fire Department Connections for other than One and Two-Family Dwellings (07.01.2020)
(W-3) Marking of Fire Department Connections, Post Indicator Valves, Fire Sprinkler Control Valves, and Private Hydrants (03.13.2025)
For Unincorporated
A-1 Access Roads and Driveways for One and Two-Family Dwellings and Associated Structures (04.20.2024)
(A-2) Speed Humps and Speed Tables (03.13.2025)
(A-3) Installation of Security Gates for Access Roads and Driveways (07.01.2003)
(D-1) Specification for Driveways, Turnarounds and Turnouts Serving Up to Two (2) Single Family Parcels (03.11.2025)
(SD-16) Acceptable Turnarounds for Driveways (11.04.2024)
(SP-6) Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings (05.25.2023)
(W-3) Marking of Fire Department Connections, Post Indicator Valves, Fire Sprinkler Control Valves, and Private Hydrants (03.13.2025)