Who We Are

Santa Clara County Fire Department is one of the premier fire departments in the State of California. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, level of service, and respect for our community while striving to embody our values in every service we provide. We work collaboratively with partner organizations, respond to medical emergencies, fight wildland fires across the state, and provide fire prevention services through plan review; code enforcement and community education/preparedness.  We are active in our pursuit of fire/life safety for all of Santa Clara County.  Our department is an all-risk, all-hazard emergency response agency and is responsible for:

  • Structure and wildland Firefighting
  • Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
  • Hazardous Materials (HazMat)
  • Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)
  • Special Operations Program
  • Emergency Management
  • Fire Prevention (Fire Marshal and Fire Investigation services)
  • Community Education and Risk Reduction
  • Wildfire Preparedness and Prevention
  • Support Services

Our department is responsible for a large, diverse area, composed of 15 fire stations which cover over 132 square miles and serve a population of more than 225,000 residents. In spite of our wide-range of territory, skill sets and roles, we are a very close-knit community. Often, bonds are formed and coworkers become more than just acquaintances—they become part of an extended family. For this reason and more, we are dedicated to finding the most exceptional candidates to join our ranks. If you believe you have what it takes, we want to hear from you.

Our Values

Firefighters showing child, in firefighter gear, how to use fire hose.Kindness

While the Department’s official motto is “Courtesy and Service,” an informal motto you’ll hear around the Department often is “Be Nice.” We place a particular emphasis on treating everyone, from our teammates to community members and partner agencies, with the utmost compassion and kindness.

Firefighters on scene combatting house fire with large fire truckTrust

All our employees, whether in a firefighter or civilian position, value the strength of the team and place an emphasis on trust – both within SCCFD and out in the community. We trust our peers to do their jobs well, and our community trusts us to protect it.

Community CERT TrainingCommunity

We maintain our bond with the Santa Clara County community through reliable, professional behaviors and open communication via social media channels, emergency alerts, responsiveness, and a variety of other means as deemed necessary.

Aerial view of MOSES equipmentInnovation

While we place a value on tradition and tried-and-true methodology, we also welcome new ways of thinking that help us serve our community better and more effectively. We value growth and adaptability as an organization.

Group photo of support staffDiversity

We recognize the tremendous value and creativity that comes with having diversity on the team. We strive to fill our ranks with people from all walks of life and appreciate individual and inherent differences without judgements.

Photo of multiple agencies onsite for fire fightingCollaboration

We do not operate in silos here. Instead, we advocate for collaborative relationships and foster effective teamwork environments within our department and with our various partner organizations.

Man wearing Santa Clara County Fire jacket with American Flag in backgroundIntegrity

We maintain the highest level of ethical standards in all our operations and exhibit prudent use of public resources.

Fire fighters saluting flagRespect

We honor the communities we serve and treat every resident in our service area with respect and dignity.

Search and Rescue crew members prepping to deployExcellence

We exhibit excellence in everything we do, from outstanding customer service, to timely service delivery and utilizing best practices in every situation. If we ever fall short, we address it immediately, learn, and grow as an organization.

Two fire personnel doing fire inspections inside new building.Professional Development

We believe that providing a positive workplace and opportunities for growth translates to happier personal lives for our employees, and therefore better performance on the job.

Who We Are Looking For

If you possess the qualities below, you may be what we are searching for in a Santa Clara County Fire Department employee:

  • Dedicated
  • Kind
  • Hard-working
  • Loyal
  • Positive
  • Empathetic
  • A problem solver
  • Intelligent
  • A team player

The Santa Clara County Fire Department provides many career opportunities and roles that help protect, educate, and support the people of Santa Clara County.

Click here for Current Openings

To be notified of future openings, fill out a job interest card.

Interested in becoming a firefighter?

For more information oh how to become a firefighter, please click here.

If you would like more information about the Firefighter/Engineer process, you can click FFE General Information.