Follow Santa Clara County Fire Department on Eventbrite to stay informed about upcoming safety classes and community events:

When disaster strikes, it may be days before emergency medical, police, and fire arrive in your neighborhood. The purpose of this class is to inform and prepare individuals to be self-sufficient for days after an area-wide emergency. This class will assist individuals and families to plan and be prepared in event of an emergency or disaster.

Topics include:

  • Disaster Preparedness
    -Why Should You Be Prepared?
    -Local Hazards
    -Types of Disasters
    -Impacts to Infrastructure & Communities
  • Basic Emergency Procedures
    -Earthquake / Flood / Wildfire
  • Individual and Family Disaster Planning
    -Access & Functional Needs
    -Communication Plan
    -Home Inventory
    -L.I.F.E. File / Medical ID
    -Text to 9-1-1 procedure
    -Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms
    -Prepare Your Home & Pets
  • Disaster Supply Kits
    -For your Home, Vehicle, and Grab N Go Kits
  • Stay Informed
    -AlertSCC / WEA / EAS
    -Genasys Protect & Social Media

FREE 2-hour class

(408) 378-4010 or

For additional resources and information, visit the Home Preparedness Planning page.
