When a disaster strikes it may be several days before emergency services arrive in your neighborhood.
Be Ready: Be Prepared!
Learn about bay area disaster risks, how to make a plan and prepare for a disaster, and how to stay informed during and after the disaster. Learn about important communication systems and how to communicate with your support network during and after a disaster.
Participants will learn:
Bay Area Risks & Emergency Procedures
- Disaster risks within the SF Bay Area
- Emergencies procedures on how to respond
- Impacts on Infrastructure & Communities
Make A Plan
- Develop a Communication Plan & Support Network
- Evacuation Planning
- Pet Preparedness
- ReadySCC Application
- Home Inventory
- L.I.F.E. File
Get A Kit
- Disaster supply kits for the home & vehicle
Stay Informed
- Register to receive emergency alerts based on your county (AlertSCC.com = Santa Clara County)
- Access information during and after a disaster
Calling 9-1-1 in an Emergency
- Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) aka Dispatch Centers
- Understand How to Respond to an Emergency
- Text to 9-1-1 process
PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)
- Prepare for a possible PSPS
- Medical Baseline Program
This program lasts approximately 1.25 hours.
Request a Be Ready: Be Prepared! Program (select Adult / 50+ Safety Program) or for more information, contact the Community Education Office at (408) 378-4010 or via email.
LISTOS California
Be Ready: Be Prepared Emergency Preparedness Classes
now available by request in Spanish and Cantonese!


Para mas informacion: CommunityOutreach@sccfd.org or 408.341.4425
想了解更多資料: CommunityOutreach@sccfd.org 或致電 408.341.4437
For more information on Emergency Preparedness.